We jumped on the bluebonnet bandwagon and decided to take our boys after church a couple of weeks ago.
They weren’t so sure of the tall grass, but LOVED saying “fow-wee” at every single flower they saw. You can imagine in a huge field of bluebonnets, how many times we heard that word.
Gage loves to say “Cheese!” every time I get my camera out but his eyes are usually closed. I need a new word to say to get them to smile.
Not so sure about this, mama!
Gage loves to point next to him and say “bubba, Si” as in SIT!
Attempting to smell the flowers.
Me and my boys!
Gage loves to give lots of hugs and kisses. Fine by me, as long as I’m the only girl receiving them. :)
(Besides the grandmothers, of course)
By this time, they were done standing in the bluebonnets. “Ho me, mommy!”
Love these boys!
On our way back to the car, we saw some horses across the street, calling Gage’s name.
Graham is our safe and cautious one (sometimes). He didn’t want anywhere near the horses.
Gage grabbed some grass and let the horse eat out of his hand. Where was my camera?
And…we’re done!