Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Things I will miss about being pregnant…

As it gets closer to delivery day, I have been reflecting on all the things I love about being pregnant and I get sad thinking I won’t be pregnant in a couple of weeks.  Don’t get me wrong, I CANNOT WAIT to meet Graham and Gage and have them here safe, but here are the top ten things I am going to miss…

10. People going out of their way to let me go first (lines in the bathroom, lines at the store, lines at fast food places)  Selfish much?

9. Weekly visits to my doctors office (I asked Dr. Mac if I could still come in and see them even though I won’t be pregnant, ha!)

8. Close parking spots!


7. Putting my feet up while Jared cooks, cleans, and does laundry.  This may never happen again!

6. Jared making me a big breakfast every Saturday morning, whatever I wanted!


5. Reading all my pregnancy books and learning about what stage the boys are in each week!

4. Eating whatever I want whenever I want (including Celebrity cookies, potato chips, and milkshakes)


3. Having pregnancy dreams about what the boys will look like.  Planning what I would do in every situation that could happen when they are here, even though it will go nothing like I plan! (When I am awake every morning at 3:00, I usually make a plan of what my day with the boys will be like.)

2. Having a perfect spot to hold my food (close to my mouth)


1. Feeling the boys’ movements, kicks, rolls, and tackles and sometimes looking lopsided because they like to hangout on my left side!

I have enjoyed everything about being pregnant and really have tried not to complain because I am so thankful.  I could not have asked for a better pregnancy.  In just a few short days, we will get to meet these boys and we are so excited we can hardly wait!

Spring Break pregnant feet vs. Working pregnant feet

     About two weeks ago, I discovered that not just my hands and wrists and face were swelling, but also my feet.  Every day the past couple of weeks, by the end of the day, I could not even get my feet into my regular shoes, let alone, my flip flops!  So I knew I needed to start coming home and immediately prop them up for the night.  Even when I would wake up in the morning, the swelling had gone down but I still could not find my ankle bones.  I always joked, before pregnancy, that I had cankles because I have big ankles but with all this swelling, my old ankles were tiny compared to these stumps! 

Since I have been on Spring Break, and bed rest, my feet almost look normal, almost!  Here are the pictures comparing them. 


35 weeks pregnant working feet


36 weeks pregnant Spring Break feet

Right ankle is still swollen but such a difference!  In about 10 days (or less, depending on these boys) I should be able to find my ankle bones again, however my bunions will probably still be there!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Is today “THE DAY?”

false alarm 2

   What a day! Slash morning! I went to bed last night, ready for a good night’s sleep and woke up at 1:00 AM feeling nauseated.  I went to empty my bladder, because I do that every hour now, and went back to bed and started feeling a contraction.  I thought, no big deal, when it passes I’ll go back to sleep.  After all, I haven’t had more than one or two contractions in one day, no big deal.  And then another one came and all of a sudden, I noticed I was having contractions back to back for an hour.

  All sorts of things were starting to run through my head… Am I ready for this?? Is this THE DAY??? Surely not, my bag is not packed (not sure why my type A personality hasn’t let me pack my bag), my dad is in Chicago and won’t be back until Wednesday, my doctor is out of town until Wednesday night, this CAN’T be it, right?  Besides, I promised my doctor I would put myself on bedrest until I knew he was back in town and ready to deliver our boys.

So, I decided to wake Jared up at 2:00 and tell him what was going on.  He was obviously out of it, but told me to let him know when I had another one.  As soon as I did, he checked his watch and we started timing them.  In thirty minutes, I had 10 contractions!  We called the doctor on call and she told me since I was 35 weeks and 5 days and having twins, I should come in to the hospital so they could check me and the boys.  This woke Jared up real quick.  He grabbed our bags out of the closet and started asking me what I wanted him to pack.  “It’s 2:30 and I am having contractions, I don’t REALLY care!  Let’s just go!” 

   We pulled up to the hospital at the same time as another couple, with whom the woman was clearly in labor too.  The nurses ran up to both of us and started asking us questions.  “How far along are you?”  with which the other lady said “35 weeks, 4 days” and I responded “35 weeks, 5 days with twins.”  They put us in wheel chairs and reacted quickly.  My friend Heather (from church) just happened to be working that night and jumped at the opportunity to wheel me up to my room. 

After I got in my pretty hospital gown, they hooked my up and started monitoring everything.  The boys heart rates were good and I was having contractions every 4-8 minutes.  After four LONG hours in the hospital and two cervical checks (OUCH!) they decided to discharge me since I wasn’t dilated past a 1 and my contractions weren’t getting worse.  I was soooo relieved to leave the hospital, in hopes that I can hang on a few more days until my doctor (and my dad) get back in town.

So now I am home, on bed rest for real, and the next thing on my list of “to-dos” is to PACK OUR BAGS!!!  And, not go into labor for a few days, if that is possible.